
Mental Health Support and Friendship in Trowbridge Wiltshire

Trowbridge Service User Group is open to anyone with mental ill health living in and around Trowbridge Wiltshire. The Group is run by and for service users and is self referral and not time limited.
Back in February 2018 Trowbridge Service Users Group was started in the Community Room at Tesco Extra Trowbridge, We began with a big idea and no money. The idea was to provide a safe space that was not work or therapy focused, but social somewhere a community of support could be built.
Over the first 2 years we listen to service users to find out what they wanted and have adapted the group to meet most of what is required.

During the pandemic we took our service online and after locked down returned to the Town Hall with a very limited service. Structurally we did get damaged but desided to focus on returning our service and rebuild our board once we where in a better position.

The aims of Trowbridge Service Users Group is,

  1. To provide support and friendship to those living with mental ill health.
  2. To develop and grow Trowbridge Service Users Group with the input and support of group members.
  3. To be a Free service.
  4. Fulfill the gap in mental health service in Trowbridge and surrounding areas.

Please see our Our Constitution for what we hope to achieve

The Future of Trowbridge Service User Group

Promotional Video created By EDEN SAUNDERS PRODUCTIONS

In 2020 we hope to get some funding for Trowbridge Service Users Group and provide more services. We are becoming a unincorporated association and now have a group of trustees (we are looking for new trustees).

This means we can now raise funds to provide more activities and equipment for the group. And we can the truly create a service for those with mental health difficulties.

We have been expanding our group by social meetings in the community. We encourage group members to arrange social gatherings via our group members only page on FaceBook, as well look out for one another during difficult times. This is done via contact via messenger or personal visits as group members soon become friends.

Our true hope that no-one in Trowbridge or its surrounding area feels alone due to their mental ill health. And if any one want to set up a local group Trowbridge Service Users Group is happy help support and guide where needed.