We are coming back ok not sure just when, but we are going to need your help…
As you know that we only official became an unincorporated group in January, so our first few months where spent getting things going.
We where then hit by Lock down and face new rules once we can get back together so we are going to need a larger space temporarily and that is going to cost.
We will need around £3000 to cover the cost of space and provide PPE to all where needed. As we don’t have any funding or money, we are now doing our best to raise the funds so we can be back up and in place, to support those with mental illness in Trowbridge.
You can help us by donating via the donate button or via our Go Fund me page https://www.gofundme.com/f/trowbridge-mental-health-support-in-safety?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link-tip&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet
We expect that Trowbridge like many other areas will need a lot of support for those coming out of lock down and this would have caused more distress so please help if you can.