8 Glaring Signs You Are Mentally And Emotionally Drained
Life is a never-ending rollercoaster that can offer us the highest highs and the lowest lows, but when lows outnumber the highs, we can end up utterly drained on just about every level.
5 unexpected ways I manage my anxiety
Anxiety doesn’t have a hold over me like it used to, but it is still something I have to manage. Every now and then I experience weeks when anxiety hovers around, when the low-level buzz of it is ever-present.
8 Positive Signs You Are Arguing With A Manipulative Sociopath, Emotional Psychopath Or A Narcissist
Psychopaths, narcissists, sociopaths, manipulative individuals are all social predators or in other words, sneaky chameleons who know exactly what to do in order to get everything they desire
How To Explain Anxiety To People Who Always Ask What You Could Possibly Have To Worry About
In my experience, people ask this question as though my anxiety is something I chose and something I can control. Believe me, I understand why people might question my constant stream of anxious thoughts.
It Didn’t Start With You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are
Sigmund Freud identified this pattern more than one hundred years ago. Traumatic re-enactment, or “repetition compulsion,” as Freud coined it, is an attempt of the unconscious to replay what’s unresolved,so we can “get it right.”
How after 30 years I’m beginning to beat insomnia
There is a vicious cycle whereby poor sleep can lead to developing or worsening depression, and having depression often leads to poor sleep.
Chinese Face Map Sugessts What Part Of Your Body Could Be Sick And How To Fight It
As traditional Chinese medicine shows, the face can tell you a lot about your health. In fact, it might be the perfect indicator of the condition of your internal organs.
7 Ways Emotional Vampires Drain Empaths And Highly Sensitive People
Emotional vampire is a colloquial term for toxic people who drain us of our energy and leave us feeling emotionally exhausted. They have a parasitic quality in that they provoke emotional reactions in others and “feed off” their emotions as well as resources.
Depression: Fight the demon, summon the angel.
My father died when I was very young. I remember the grief hanging over the house, I remember how my house turned into a busy street where people would come and go constantly for a couple of days,
Cannabidiol- CBD for PTSD
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can occur at any time to anyone for a zillion reasons. One of the most common reasons for this disorder occurring more and more frequently today, is domestic violence.
10 Habits That Cause Low Self Esteem And Depression
When our self-esteem is low, which is typical of codependency, we’re at greater risk for depression.
Codependency is learned, and so are self-esteem and the beliefs and habits that cause both low self-esteem and codependency