Trowbridge Service Users Group Constitution
Trowbridge Service Users Group will remain a peer led and run service. We will provide support and friendship based on lived experience of mental illness.
The service will remain free to all those accessing the group and will continue to utilise community resources to insure that remains free and seek external funding sources such as grants and well as using online fund rising options to cover the costs of activities and ongoing costs.
The group will have no barriers to service available and the only requirement is that members are living with mental health issues. Trowbridge Service Users Group intends to provide a wide range of activities to engage as many as possible to attend, this will include a dedicated arts and craft session based within the Town Hall, A men’s only session, A knit and natter, Meditation and coping skill sessions, Session from external agencies and member run sessions based in the community room Tesco Extra Trowbridge.
Trowbridge Service Users Group intends to promote positive mental health and community involvement via our online and offline presence. Members will be encouraged to make the best of the current situation and work on ways to improve it. Members will be supported to achieve their best but will not be pressured by targets or required out comes from external agencies.
Members are expected to support each other in an open and honest fashion, and sign post each other to services or advice that is beneficial. Members are encouraged to participate in external activities such as coffee and chats, bingo, visits to places of interest arranged by members via private Facebook group page.
Members are invited to become or reapply to become Trustees at the AGM current Trustee Roles are:-
Trustees x2
Trustees will stay in place until 1st AGM where new trustees will be appointed.
Banking and Bank accounts 4 signatures will be required to set up bank account with 2 Trustees being able to write cheques or withdraw cash.
Membership will be free and open to all those that attend the group and each member is entitled to 1 vote at AGM and other meetings