After a very long time, Trowbridge service users’ group will be leaving the Town Hall for our own space. It will be sad to leave as the Town Hall and all their staff and volunteers because they have not only been friendly, but also so supportive of this group.
They provided us with space to meet and be creative, they provide us with advice and support but more than that they made us feel welcome. We felt like part of the town hall, part of Trowbridge.
Although it will be sad to leave the town hall and the many fantastic people there and we still have links to the town hall with some of our art work available in the shop, members volunteering at the town hall and some of our members being in the Production of The Four Winds Ep3 Odyssey by NT Public Acts. And of course, there will always be a social visit or two.
So, what happing with Trowbridge service Users’ Group, with the support of Trowbridge Future we are going to have our own location at the Cabin on Seymore Rd. This means we can run more groups and help more people living with mental illness to regain social skills, make friends and build a support network.
So, by April we will be full in place and planning new and existing sessions.