Tag: Mental Health Awareness

Covid 19 virus
Posted in Covid-19 MR BPD View service user contribution Service User Involvement Trowbridge Service Users Group TUG News

Social bubbles, Covid 19 and my mental health.

Ok this is just an option and the personal experience that has formed those options. I would never claim to be unique but I am different,

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Posted in Press Release Service User Involvement The Westbury Group Trowbridge Service Users Group TUG News

What have we been doing during lockdown.

At the start of this pandemic we hoped to maintain our online presence, but sadly we could not maintain that aspect of Trowbridge Service Users…

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So they see me
Posted in MR BPD View Press Release service user contribution Trowbridge Service Users Group TUG News

Do they even see me?

When you live with a mental illness, you almost become two (or sometimes more than two) people.  You have you and the illness, one that…

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Trowbridge Future window display displaying our information
Posted in Press Release Trowbridge Service Users Group TUG News

A window into the Future

With big thanks to Trowbridge Future we now have a display in the window of Trowbridge Future (formally the Hub @BA14). We hope that the…

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