Minutes of AGM

Minutes of AGM

AGM Trowbridge Service Users Group

24th Nov 2022

Minutes of AGM

Attendees           Mark Marshall – Chairman

                                lesley Tapp – Secretary

                                Steph parfitt – Treasurer

                                Jeof D Trustee + Dog

                                Eden Saunders

                                Hannah W

                                Karl T

                                Alison C

                                Rachel R

                                Mike L

                                Sarah J

                                Mark T

                                Nicola D

                                Tracey B

                                Allison B

                                Jennifer B

                                Mary K

                                Arti P


                                Dawn H

                                Dawn Lane Committee member.

Chairmans report Click here to read

Group formed in 2019

Treasures Report Click here to read

Was decided Lesley will step down from Secretary and Sarah Jewers would step up to replace Lesley Tapp as Secretary this was proposed by Steph Parfitt and seconded by Karl Tearney ,14 group members agreed. 

New location for when the Town Closes for refurbishment, we will still meet but location TBC.

Group is flourishing with members online on Facebook as well as physical members.

Sarah J suggested we could set up a buddy group to meet new members for a coffee or even just to welcome them at the front door of Town Hall to make it a less stressful time when coming to group for the first time, this was voted by group members and was agreed on.

Lesley will take on media roll second by whole group.

Art Thursday 10am till 1pm

Drop in hub Tuesdays at Seymour Hub. 10am till 12am

Our group film was made by Eden Saunders which we all agreed it was great, very well don Eden.

We need to think of ways to fund raise or ask companies to help with donations. Lesley Tapp put forward we could contact Cereal Partners UK, Lesley will ask husband to do this as he works at CPUK and will know who to contact, even if it means once we have a name, we will contact them ourselves.

Date for next AGM will be 30th Nov 2023 location TBC. agreed by all attendees.

We will still meet for coffee when group closes for Christmas.  Coffee will be on a Thursday, location TBC.

Author: admin